Money Market Accounts
Maximize your savings
Money Markets frequently pay higher dividend rates while requiring a higher minimum balance.
An RBFCU Classic Money Market Account requires a minimum balance of $2,500. The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is applied to the entire balance when the minimum balance is maintained based on the following tiers: Earn the first-tier APY on the entire balance up to $24,999.99. Earn the second-tier APY on the entire balance when the balance is between $25,000 and $74,999.99. Earn the third-tier APY on the entire balance when the balance is between $75,000 and $149,999.99. Earn the fourth-tier APY on the entire balance when the balance exceeds $150,000. Rates may change after the account is opened.
For blended tier rate accounts (RBFCU Choice Money Market), each tier of your total balance adds up to a blended APY. An RBFCU Choice Money Market Account requires a minimum balance of $2,500. Earn the first-tier APY on the entire balance up to $10,000.00 when the minimum balance is maintained. Earn the second-tier APY on balances between $10,000.01 and $25,000. Earn the third-tier APY on balances greater than $25,000.
RBFCU Choice Money Market Accounts are limited to one per member as the primary owner. A member may be joint on multiple RBFCU Choice Money Market Accounts.
Rates may change after the account is opened. Rates are current as of 1/22/2025 and are subject to change. Please visit our Rates page for complete details.
At RBFCU, we offer two Money Market options
RBFCU Classic Money Market
With our RBFCU Classic Money Market, members earn a flat dividend rate on their total balance.
Benefits and features:
- $2,500 minimum deposit to open account
- Competitive dividends compounded and paid monthly
- No monthly service fees
- The credit union pays the applicable tiered dividend rate on the total balance in the account
- If your balance falls below $2,500, the account will automatically revert to the savings account rate at that time, by the end of the business day. When your balance is brought back up to $2,500, you will earn the RBFCU Classic Money Market rate again.

RBFCU Choice Money Market
More money, why not? It’s an easy choice. With higher rates available on a lower balance, the RBFCU Choice Money Market helps you earn more on less money. As your balance grows, take advantage of blended rates to maximize your savings.
Benefits and features:
- $2,500 minimum deposit to open account
- Competitive dividends compounded and paid monthly
- No monthly service fees
- Blended rate structure, resulting in higher earnings on balances
- The credit union pays the stated dividend rate on the portion of the balance within each specified tier. As your balance increases, previous rates are incorporated into your overall earnings.
- If your balance falls below $2,500, the account will automatically revert to the savings account rate at that time, by the end of the business day. When your balance is brought back up to $2,500, you will earn the RBFCU Choice Money Market rate again.

Which Money Market account is right for me?
RBFCU Choice Money Market
RBFCU Classic Money Market
RBFCU Choice Money Market
RBFCU Classic Money Market
RBFCU Choice Money Market
RBFCU Classic Money Market
RBFCU Choice Money Market
Personal only (One per tax-reported owner)
RBFCU Classic Money Market
Personal, Business
RBFCU Choice Money Market
Paid monthly
RBFCU Classic Money Market
Paid monthly
RBFCU Choice Money Market
Six electronic or over-the-phone outgoing transactions per account, per month; unlimited deposits or withdrawals at a branch
RBFCU Classic Money Market
Six electronic or over-the-phone outgoing transactions per account, per month; unlimited deposits or withdrawals at a branch
RBFCU Choice Money Market
Account is automatically reverted to a savings account rate
RBFCU Classic Money Market
Account is automatically reverted to a savings account rate
I already have an RBFCU Classic Money Market. Can I switch it to an RBFCU Choice Money Market?
Yes. You may close your Classic Money Market account and open a Choice Money Market account. However, only one Choice Money Market is available per tax-reported owner. There is not a limit to the number of Classic Money Market accounts you can own. This account will not be available to businesses (EINs).
How many RBFCU Choice Money Market accounts can I open?
Only one Choice Money Market account, per tax-reported owner, may be opened.
What happens if my Money Market balance falls below $2,500?
You do not have to close your Money Market account; however, if your balance falls below $2,500, the account will automatically revert to the savings account rate at that time, by the end of the business day. The account name will remain an “RBFCU Money Market.”
If a transaction, payment or transfer presented electronically or over the phone to an external merchant causes your Available Balance to fall below the minimum requirement of $2500, the transaction will be rejected and returned unpaid. For complete details, please review our Truth in Savings Account Disclosures.
When your balance is brought back up to $2,500, you will earn the RBFCU Money Market rate again.
Can I open an RBFCU Choice Money Market for my business?
No. The Choice Money Market is not available for business accounts or any account using an EIN.
Is an RBFCU Money Market an investment product? Can it lose value?
An RBFCU Money Market account is not an investment product, nor will your funds be publicly traded. Your account is federally insured up to certain limits by the NCUA and will not lose value.
Rates and terms are subject to change without prior notice; other restrictions may apply. Fees could reduce the earnings on the account. Visit for the most current rate information, or call 1-800-580-3300.