Youth Checking Account

Their financial success starts here

Let RBFCU help you teach your child smart ways to spend and save money on their path to financial independence. From an allowance to their first job, the sooner your child learns how to manage their money, the better their financial future will be.

Youth Checking Account benefits and features:

Icons_Checking_No Monthly Serv Fees 2

No monthly service fees

Icons_Checking_0 Minimum Bal Reqrd

$0 minimum balance required

Icons_Checking_Monitor Account

Monitor your account and transactions with customized Alerts

Icons_Checking_Deposit Checks From Device

Deposit checks from your device

Icons_Checking_24-7 Fraud Monitoring

24/7 fraud monitoring

Membership eligibility required. Accounts for minors require additional ownership by a parent, guardian or other adult.

Not a member?

If your child is not an RBFCU member yet, you can open an account for them (and yourself!) online. You can also join by calling us at 210-945-3300 or by visiting any RBFCU branch.

Already a member?

If you and your child are already RBFCU members, you can open an additional youth account for them by calling us at 210-945-3300 or by visiting any RBFCU branch.

Members are required to open a primary savings account with a minimum deposit of $1, which must remain in the account at all times. A $1 minimum balance is required to earn the stated Annual Percentage Yield (APY). A checking account can be opened with a zero balance.

Learn more, earn more, save more

Learn the basics of budgeting, how to start saving, good vs. bad spending habits and more with free financial education resources.

Related Articles

  0.05% apy
  • What is RBFCU's checking account routing number?
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    RBFCU's routing number is 314089681.

  • How do I open a checking account from the RBFCU Mobile app?
    + -

    To open a new checking account:

    1. Sign in to the RBFCU Mobile app.
    2. On the Account Summary page, tap “New Account” under “Deposit Accounts.”
    3. Verify your address, and tap “Let’s Get Started” to follow the self-service directions.
  • How do I download the RBFCU Mobile app?
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    To download the RBFCU Mobile® app:

    For full app functionality, please ensure your device is running the latest software. The latest operating systems (OS) versions are required for security updates and will provide the best experience while using the RBFCU Mobile app. The minimum supported OS1 to use the RBFCU Mobile app are:

    • iPhone® iOS 13 or later
    • iPadOS® 13 or later
    • Apple Watch®2 watchOS® 10 or later
    • Android™ OS 5.1 or later

    1Some devices may not be supported due to hardware limitations.

    2Currently Apple Watch can be used to check available account balances only.

  • I lost my card. What do I do?
    + -

    You can report your lost or stolen card by contacting us in one of the following ways:

    You can also “Freeze” your card to ensure no transactions are made while you search for the card, or “Replace” your card. If your card is connected to any mobile payment services, be sure to remove the card as a payment option.

  • Why am I being asked for my ID on all transactions?
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    In order to protect you and your account, RBFCU must identify the transacting person on an account each time a transaction is made.

Membership eligibility required. Accounts for minors require additional ownership by a parent, guardian or other adult. No minimum age requirement.

Zero Liability applies to transactions that have been promptly reported and determined by RBFCU as unauthorized, subject to terms and conditions in accordance with RBFCU's Electronic Funds Transfer Agreement at