Current Cardholder Promotions
Discover all the latest promotions and exclusive offers available for your RBFCU Mastercard®. Check back often to stay updated on the most recent contests, sweepstakes, giveaways and more.
Benefits and Features
With this free checking account, you’ll also have access to additional benefits that help you save time, save money and earn money, including:
- $0 minimum balance required
- Begin earning the stated Annual Percentage Yield (APY) with an account balance greater than $0
- Free RBFCU Freedom Debit Card
- 24/7 fraud monitoring and $0 liability for unauthorized debit card purchases
- Free online RBFCU Bill Pay®
- Earn interest/dividends monthly
- Mobile and contactless payment compatibility for added convenience and security at thousands of merchants
- Order free standard checks
- Free ATM services through RBFCU ATMs, the CO-OP network
- Set card usage Alerts through the Manage Cards feature

Benefits and Features
With this free checking account, you’ll also have access to additional benefits that help you save time, save money and earn money, including:
- $0 minimum balance required
- Begin earning the stated Annual Percentage Yield (APY) with an account balance greater than $0
- Free RBFCU Freedom Debit Card
- 24/7 fraud monitoring and $0 liability for unauthorized debit card purchases
- Free online RBFCU Bill Pay®
- Earn interest/dividends monthly
- Mobile and contactless payment compatibility for added convenience and security at thousands of merchants
- Order free standard checks
- Free ATM services through RBFCU ATMs, the CO-OP network
- Set card usage Alerts through the Manage Cards feature

Membership eligibility is required. Credit cards are subject to credit approval. Programs, rates and terms are subject to change; other restrictions may apply. Contact the Consumer Lending Center for complete details.
Mastercard and RBFCU are not serving as professional fundraisers on behalf of any charity and Mastercard and RBFCU do not charge charities to be listed on the donation website.