Medicare Open Enrollment: What You Need to Know
Medicare Open Enrollment is an important window of opportunity to enroll in a Medicare Advantage or prescription drug insurance plan. Between October 15 and December 7, those eligible for Medicare are given the chance to select their plan for the coming year. As with many of life’s major choices, timing is essential to securing the right Medicare coverage.

To help you prepare to make smart choices during that window of opportunity, let’s take a closer look at Medicare basics, the advantages supplemental plans offer mature adults specifically, and how our local and licensed team members can assist you with your coverage selection process.
As you may know, most individuals qualify for Medicare at age 65. Yet while many individuals may be familiar with the name, not all of us fully understand Medicare essentials.
Traditional Medicare is a basic health plan
For retirement-aged individuals, Medicare offers an attractive, affordable way to cover core health care needs. Original Medicare is a federal health insurance program designed exclusively for people 65 and older — as well as younger individuals with qualifying disabilities.
Each year, however, many senior participants are surprised to discover that they’re responsible for additional out-of-pocket expenses related to existing or new health care needs or issues. With proper planning — and the help of a licensed insurance agent well versed in what Medicare will and will not cover, one may prepare in advance to manage these extra costs.
Medicare Supplement Insurance (“Medigap”) Plans can help cover additional or unanticipated costs
Briefly, Medicare is divided into two primary parts (Part A and Part B), each covering different health care needs.
- Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) helps pay most fees for hospital stays, except Part A deductibles, coinsurance amounts and doctor services. Depending upon you or your spouse’s work history, you may either qualify for premium-free Part A or pay a premium determined by how long you (or your spouse) worked and contributed to Medicare taxes.
- Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) helps cover services from doctors, outpatient and home health care providers as well as durable medical equipment, and many protective services such as shots, vaccines and wellness checkups but NOT long-term care, vision or dental care, hearing aids, eyeglasses or private nursing. It typically pays up to 80 percent of your medical expenses after the annual deductible.1
Note: Medigap plans sold to people new to Medicare can no longer cover the Part B deductible.
Obviously, it’s critical to take action during the annual, end-of-year enrollment period. It’s also worthwhile to collaborate with a professional who can help you navigate the finer points of your coverage.
Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans may provide greater freedom
With some supplementary insurance plans, you may choose your own doctors and hospitals from anywhere in the U.S., provided they accept Medicare patients. Plus, should you need to see a specialist, you most likely would not need to secure a referral first.
Are you planning to travel stateside during your golden years? With the right plan, you may be covered at any hospital that accepts Medicare. So, whether visiting family and friends or simply checking travel destinations off your bucket list, you’ll feel confident that health care is accessible and affordable, should you need it.
Medicare Supplement Insurance may give you (and your loved ones) greater peace of mind
Let’s face it. Aging can bring up a lot of emotions for yourself and your loved ones. With Medicare Supplement Insurance in place that fits your budget and needs, you can minimize common concerns related to eldercare. Best of all, when your Medigap coverage is suitably integrated into your larger long-term financial plans, you’ll have a clearer picture of your fiscal future.