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Webinar: Navigating Through Fraud in a Digital World

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Webinar: Navigating Through Fraud in a Digital World

When it comes to protecting yourself from fraud, knowledge is power. Learn about current fraud trends and how to protect yourself from becoming a victim.

This webinar is presented by Alexander Aguillen, RBFCU Assistant Vice President of Enterprise Fraud Management. Aguillen has more than 20 years of experience in financial services, including over 12 years of fraud experience and seven years with RBFCU’s Fraud Team.

Run time: Approximately 28 minutes


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The material presented in this video is for informational purposes only and is subject to change. The information regarding RBFCU products and services is accurate as of the publication date. Please contact your own financial and legal professionals regarding your specific needs before taking any action based upon this information.

RBFCU and RBFCU employees will never initiate a phone call, email or text message to anyone — members or non-members — asking for your sign-in information, including usernames, passwords, security questions and answers, multifactor authentication (MFA) codes, MFA recovery codes and one-time passcodes (OTP), or other personal information, like account, credit card, debit card or Social Security numbers. Also, RBFCU employees will never need to sign in to your Online Banking account on your behalf. If someone contacts you claiming to be an RBFCU employee and asks you to approve a sign-in request for them, do not respond.

If you receive a suspicious phone call, email or text message, hang up, do not respond to the message, do not click any links, and do not open any attachments. Forward any suspicious emails and text message screenshots to, then delete the message. If you believe your account, username or password has been compromised, you should immediately contact RBFCU at 210-945-3300 for assistance. Additionally, members should monitor their accounts regularly and report any suspicious transactions.

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